The lifeblood of a good pilot is good discipline. To be a great pilot, you need great discipline. Order | Checklists | Procedures | Habits | A touch of Obsessiveness. “We get good at what we do through repetition. What we do often – eventually becomes a habit – good OR bad.” A Rear Admiral […]
“FLYING IS THE SECOND MOST EXCITING THING YOU CAN DO IN LIFE; LANDING IS #1.” Question: A pilot flies an airplane. Doesn’t a pilot also land an airplane? Answer: Yes, uh, sort of. It is, in fact, called “landing”. But, the act of landing a plane is not really what it sounds like. You “drive […]
Ask yourself a key question: “Am I a renter in my life or an OWNER?” “Will I forever be mediocre – getting by – regretting a past life of quitting things? Will I let my circumstances control me? Or, will I own my future – will I control it? Will I reach my goals?” “Will I […]